武蔵野美術大学視覚伝達デザイン学科卒業。アニメーターとしてGIFアニメーションをメインに自身のSNSにて作品を発表し続け、企業コラボも複数展開するなど独自の世界観で多くのファンを獲得。また、クリエイターとして「あおいくまさん」「おやすみレストラン」などのキャラクターも生み出しており、商品化、書籍化、展示会など幅広く展開し、キャラクターコンテンツとしても注目を集めている。受賞歴「ISCA2013佳作」「第16回DigCon6 Unque Animation賞」「武蔵野美術大学卒業展示優秀賞」など。
Winning an excellent prize in the graduation exhibition, She worked energetically while studying at Musashino Art University.
In recent years, She has created animations like TV commercials and Web movies in a production company.
She has created many types of art such as illustrations, animations and sculptures. Her characters gain popularity as her drawing style of uniqueness, then Many of her creations were commercialized.
Her representative work “Oyasumi restaurant”, which was retweeted more than 70,000 times and liked 250,000 times, attracted a lot of attention.
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